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3 Best Things about online recruitment 

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Written by Kevin Marchwiak
I opened my online recruitment agency back in 2016. 
Today in 2020 we are growing bigger then ever. 
every year brings growth to the topline, and with more tools and knowledge we are ready to grow even more. 

I always wanted to create something i can take it with me wherever i want. 

with recruitment agency you are not tight to any location. its simple. you don't sell anything. you find a client, and you help them online. 

it's your choice either you want to only to change your 9-5 with this model and do it a 1 man show, or you might also want to build something bigger.
both cases are good. 

If you want to teach me how you can do that too, please start with my audiobook, which is easy to buy on amazon. look left. 

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About Me

Kevin Marchwiak

-Online Marketer since 2014
-Owner of Anahera Recruitment 
-Owner Online Recruiter Academy (More than 200 students and I helped more than 25 agencies open)

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